Structures - Molecular Viewer
For Mac
Display and analyze the 3D structures of molecules.
Structures is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for displaying and analyzing the 3D structures of molecules, large and small.
Structures is designed specifically for the Mac, with full support for Dark Mode, iCloud, Auto Save, gestures, drag and drop, configurable preferences, customizable toolbar, full-screen mode, unlimited undo/redo and more.
With Structures, you can:
• Load atomic coordinates from files or directly from the Protein Data Bank. Structures reads the most common macromolecular and small-molecule file formats.
• Display atoms in sphere, stick, and ball-and-stick representations. Show ribbon, tube, or chain-trace representations of macromolecules, along with solvent-accessible or solvent-excluded surfaces.
• Choose from a variety of automatic color schemes.
• Select atoms onscreen using the trackpad/mouse, or type in an atom description using a simple atom matching syntax.
• Measure distances and angles between atoms.
• Save specific views of a molecule and animate transitions between them.
• Print or save static images.
And many more powerful new features will be arriving soon.

For iPhone and iPad
Calculate pH buffer recipes.
Buffers is a tool for designing buffer solutions for pH control. Buffers is useful both as a handy reference of available buffering agents and as an accurate, portable buffer calculator for chemical, biochemical and biological research.

For iPhone and iPad
Create your own custom calculators.
CalcKit lets you perform repetitive calculations easily by entering complex mathematical formulas and defining custom input labels for variables.